by Christelle | Sep 27, 2018 | Cleaning, Wellness
Horse Chestnut Laundry Detergent | Zero Waste Cleaning Ready to go foraging for your own laundry detergent? This horse chestnut laundry detergent is your ultimate zero waste cleaning choice: 0% carbon emissions, 0% packaging, 0% money wasted, and 100% modern day...
by Christelle | Aug 7, 2018 | Cleaning, Wellness
How to Make Wood Ash Laundry Cleaner Finally a way to prioritize clean clothes when it’s campfire season & you’re stranded in the woods with sweaty garments! Save those embers to make wood ash laundry cleaner, Bear Grylls style! Presenting the ultimate...
by Christelle | Jun 26, 2018 | Cleaning, Wellness
Low-Maintenance Houseplants that Clean the Air of Pollutants Indoor air pollution is often far worse than outdoors. Here are 5 common indoor air pollutants, how you are being exposed to them, and 4 incredible houseplants that clean the air in your home. —...
by Christelle | May 4, 2018 | Lifestyle, Wellness
English Ivy Laundry Detergent Did you know you could go foraging for laundry detergent? There’s a free alternative to industrial detergent, and it’s right in your backyard. Get ready to ditch toxic chemicals, unnecessary packaging, and carbon emissions. Presenting:...
by Annie Seifts | Feb 23, 2018 | Body Care, Wellness
6 Reasons To Use Natural Handmade Soap Learn about the 6 reasons to use natural handmade soap as opposed to commercial soaps, detergents or body washes. Hi, I’m Annie! In 2014 I started making natural handmade soap and decided that I never wanted to stop. Soapmaking...
by Christelle | Dec 15, 2017 | Wellness
Homemade Cough Syrup Feel a cold coming on? Or already have the sniffles? Bolster your body’s ability to ward off your cold with this homemade cough syrup made from just onions, garlic and honey! Cristina & I first tried this homemade cough syrup when we both felt...