Are you dreaming of having a home apothecary filled with your own herbal remedies?
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Herbal Remedies for Common Ailments
This class is for you if…
You are excited to make your own herbal concoctions at home, from medicinal syrups, to salves, tinctures, infusions, compresses, and more.
You are eager to learn when and how to use herbs, and how to extract the medicinal properties of plants with solvents.
You are interested in the science behind the efficacy of medicinal herbs, as well as the herbs’ safety profiles.
Why we created this class…

Hi, there! We’re Christelle & Cristina, known to many as the Permacrafters. Cristina grew up with her grandmother, concocting home remedies from freshly picked plants. Christelle, on the other hand, had always hoped to find a way to address common ailments without resorting to conventional medicine. Allopathic medication gave her unwanted side effects and only seemed to mask her problems, as opposed to of addressing them. When she finally delved into the world of botany and herbalism, her love for natural medicine blossomed.
After years of herbal studies, the two of us teamed up to help you on your own journey to herbal medicine making. When we first began digging deeper into the world of natural medicine, we had so many questions: Will this remedy actually work? Have there been scientific studies about the efficacy of these herbs in treating my condition? How do I know that my alcoholic tincture or my herbal oil is actually extracting the medicinal components that I’m after?
Our goal in developing this class is to answer these basic questions, and support you as you embark on your journey to natural medicine making. We share the know-how and skills you’re craving in a simple, user-friendly platform. Whether you wish to treat a cold, pain, indigestion, anxiety, trouble sleeping, or skin issues, you’ll learn appropriate remedies to address these ailments. Our tutorial videos walk you through plant profiles and how to make your own tinctures, syrups, salves, lozenges, poultices, compresses, and more.
In this course, we have gathered the most valuable information about making plant preparations for common ailments. If you’re ready to confidently make your own effective herbal remedies, you’re in exactly the right spot!
Imagine if…
… you could easily and confidently make your own herbal remedies right at home.
… you could reach for a homemade sleep tincture by your bedside in the middle of the night to help you fall back asleep.
… at the first sign of a scratchy throat, you could turn to your medicine cabinet brimming with lozenges, syrups, and tinctures to address your ailment.
… you had full support to achieve your goals through video tutorials, an e-workbook, and a helpful online community.
Herbal Remedies for Common Ailments:
Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction
We want you to be successful on your journey to making your own remedies from medicinal herbs! What are your goals, concerns, or questions?

Module 2: Low Waste Medicine Cabinet
No matter your health situation, there are creative ways to reduce waste in your medicine cabinet, starting with compostable bandaids, biodegradable examination gloves, or shelf-stable home remedies.

Module 3: Minimize Waste from Pharmaceuticals
Where can I donate or dispose of my drugs? What’s the deal with expiration dates? Are there ways around unsustainable packaging?

Module 4: Herbal Medicine
What is herbal medicine? When can it be used, and how does it compare to conventional medicine?

Module 5: Supplies for Medicine Making
These are the basic supplies (tools & herbs) you will need to make the various herbal remedies in this course.

Module 6: Introduction to Tinctures
Discover the benefits of taking herbal medicine in tincture form, and how the various solvents extract medicinal properties from plants.

Module 7: Alcoholic Tinctures
Learn step-by-step how to make tinctures for sleep, menstrual pain, headaches, and anxiety. Discover the science-backed benefits of the various herbs used.

Module 8: Vinegar Tinctures
Learn the process of making a vinegar tincture to use on salads or to take by the spoonful. Make a fresh pine tincture and a hot fire cider.

Module 9: Medicinal Teas
How does water extract medicinal constituents from plants? What herbs must be prepared by infusion vs. decoction? Learn about herbal teas for calmness and digestion.

Module 10: Syrups
Learn how to make medicinal syrups with fresh or dried herbs. Make syrups to boost your immune system, to ease cold symptoms, or to help with dry or productive coughs.

Module 11: Herbal Lozenges
Discover how to make your own herbal lozenges to soothe sore throats.

Module 12: Steam Inhalations
Learn about the benefits of steam inhalation and which herbs are indicated for which ailment. Make a steam for coughs and sinus congestion.

Module 13: Herbal Gargles
Learn how to make herbal gargles to soothe sore throats and relieve inflammation.

Module 14: Poultices
Learn how poultices can help heal skin problems. Make a poultice to treat insect bites, and another to sooth irritated skin and sunburns.

Module 15: Compresses
Discover how to make compresses to reduce inflammation or help blood circulation. Make a compress for menstrual pain relief.

Module 16: Salves
Make your own herbal oils and turn them into salves to treat insect bites, rashes, scrapes, or dry skin.

Module 17: The Rules of Foraging
Before foraging for wild edible & medicinal plants, learn about the 10 foraging safety rules, and the 6 rules of ethical harvesting.

Module 18: Identifying & Preparing Wild Plants
Confidently identify & make medicine or dishes from foraged yarrow, dandelion, red clover, purple dead nettle, plantain, elderflowers, wild garlic, and more.

BONUS: Herbal Remedies for Menstrual Pain Relief
Take a peak at our Zero Waste Menstruation class and learn all about herbal remedies for cramp relief, from foot soaks, to teas, syrups, poultices, and more.
Lifetime access to the video tutorials
for all 17 modules (2 hours)

A 309-page PDF workbook
that contains all the information from modules 1-29, helpful checklists, guidelines and with the cover and herbal sheets beautifully designed by Caro Arévalo.
Review questions
to help you assimilate the class information
Watch the videos on any device.

Access to an exclusive student forum
You will have access to a supportive online community hosted on Facebook to submit your questions and share your successes or difficulties. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get feedback and motivate one another.
Access to workshop updates
As we add content to our workshop over time, you will have access to all updated information.

Christelle is a bubbly environmental educator and permaculture instructor who infuses optimism in her classes and laughs at her own jokes. Originally from Geneva, Switzerland, her studies and career have focused on environmental protection. She’s multilingual, a mama (or “Permamacita”), a beekeeper, and a foraging enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity for life. Christelle has an academic background in botany and herbalism, and received the Betty Flanders Thompson Prize for excellence in botany.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course for?
How does FOREVER sound? You keep the courses as long as the internet exists.
Do you offer refunds or exchanges?
Permacrafters does not offer refunds, as stated in our Terms of Use. All sales are final (unless you accidentally purchased the course multiple times). We are a mission-based business that offers accessible pricing, therefore our profit margins are low. In the digital content world, where courses are immediately downloadable, there’s unfortunately a high prominence of content theft through illegitimate refund requests. Our two-person team can’t allocate the time required to keep up with this regrettable trend.
However, we want to assure you that if there are any updates you wish to see to the course or any additional modules or plant profiles, we will immediately seek to make these improvements. Do not hesitate to ask, because we create new content every week and are constantly updating our courses and adding new video lessons.
To give you further peace of mind, in some cases we can offer exchanges. We are so confident that you will love this course, that if by day 7 you aren’t delighted, you can exchange the course for any of our other courses of equal value.
Are you against conventional medicine?
No. I believe conventional medicine is necessary in many situations – in fact, it saved my life during labor and during my open-heart surgery. I am very grateful for medical advances and the power of modern medicine. I do have my qualms with allopathic medicine (medication overuse, opioid addiction, unwanted side effects, masking problems rather than addressing them), but I do not believe that herbal medicine is a complete replacement for conventional medicine.
Is there any science to back-up claims that this homemade medicine works?
Yes. You will be making preparations with medicinal herbs to treat various illnesses. Throughout the course, I systematically reference scientific studies showing the efficacy of these plants in treating the ailments in question. I make it clear when the science is lacking on the effectiveness of an herb in healing a specific problem.
What plants will I learn about?
For every herbal remedy in this course, we will be delving into plant profiles and scientific studies conducted about these plants’ medicinal properties. Some of the plants used in this class include: Valerian, Rose, Motherwort, Plantain, Violet, Calendula, Lemon Balm, Holy Basil, Ginger, Cinnamon, Feverfew, Passionflower, Thyme, Licorice, Elecampane, Yarrow, Red Clover, Purple Dead Nettle, Elderberries and Elderflowers, and Dandelion.
Will we be foraging for plants?
Yes, there is the option to. We have added a brand new section on how to safely forage for wild medicinal and edible plants. However, you are asked to follow the safety rules very closely, as plant lookalikes can be deadly.
Is this class for me?
This class is for beginners and folks who have dabbled in herbal medicine making. It is for those who wish to use this information for self-treatment at home. This class may not be for you if you are ready to become a certified herbalist or wish to grow or forage for all your herbs.
Can I take this class if I’m pregnant or nursing?
Throughout the course, I will always point out herbs that are contraindicated in pregnancy or while nursing. However, I request that you run all remedies by your medical practitioner prior to use, as I am neither a doctor nor qualified to offer health advice.
Does this class follow zero waste principles?
Absolutely. All our herbs, solvents, oils, and bee products were purchased plastic-free, and you’ll get tips as to where to find yours zero waste as well. The materials we use in this course are purposely reusable (i.e. nut milk bag instead of cheesecloth). We will also encourage you to find your medicine making tools secondhand whenever possible.
By registering for this class, you automatically get access to our Intro to Zero Waste Living course.
Is this a vegan class?
No. The only animal products you will see us use in this class are beeswax and honey from local beekeepers. As a former beekeeper, it’s critical for me to purchase bee products only from sources that I trust. The beeswax was from abandoned hives, and the honey that was collected was surplus honey. If you do not wish to use bee products, this class may not be for you. However, many of our recipes do not call for bee products.
Still have questions? Send us a message!
Still have questions? Send us a message!